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Model Collage
Model Collage
Model Collage
Model Collage
Model Collage
Wellness Addition Plan
Wellness Addition Rendering
Wellness Addition Rendering
Stack Study Model
Shell Study Model
Sweep Study Model
Affective Model Collage
Affective Model Collage
Hallway Node
Exam Room Node
Addition Elevation
Node Layout and Circulation

Cancer User Experience

In two separate classes over the span of a year, I researched and studied means and methods of designing healing spaces, using a proposed addition to the UVA Emily Couric Clinical Cancer Center as a case study. The classes were unconnected in content but similar in approach and focus area, so I have chosen to represent them as one exercise.


I used affective spaces as my guiding principle, working hard to combat traditionally sterile healthcare environments. A stylistic approach that I took was through collage, creating models by hand and then Photoshopping scenes on top of them. This way I could play with a multitude of scales and a spectrum of realism to abstraction in order to discover evocative, sensory-pleasing design solutions in an otherwise drab and unfriendly environment.


I also worked to uncover how one may retrofit existing hospital spaces to be more affective through a nodal network across hallways, exam rooms, and waiting rooms. The goal was to create a framework for approaching healthcare design in a more human-friendly way.


Wellness Addition


Charlottesville, VA


Fall 2016, Spring 2017

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